Why does it take so long to build a cycle lane?

Good article looking at the realities of establishing new active transport infrastructure. And how to manage the vocal and aggressive anti-change car lobby.

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Good article describing the issues and why we need to do what we’re doing. Change will only happen if driven by the community!

A bit rambling, but says all the things we have been saying.

I still maintain that local grass routes activism is pointless. And that “…councils need direction from central government, so they can partner with communities rather than being cast as the bad guy”.

Caroline Shaw makes some good points too.

The costs to society of car-centric transport should alone be enough to drive a rapid change of policy… if the politicians had guts. Meanwhile, tiny changes take decades of campaigning and hard-won trials get derailed by a few vocal car fanatics. What to do?

Hi totally agree with Stephen’s comments tut the community needs to drive any project. That has been the major problem with the tunnels project. The Community has not been managing the Project. Look at Central Otago Trails. All managed superbly by the Community with advice from Councils when required .

Brian Peat
22 Charlton Avenue
Mosgiel 9024
+64 21 0897 3880

So how do we move to a community centric model then? I guess that I hope this little online community morphs into or empowers that.