Wharf Street changes

Progress on the new road and pathway layout along Wharf Street.

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Now the junction is “98% completed” (according to DCC) we have raised some concerns with the DCC. We feel there is a lack of signage and that it is too easy for a cyclist to not be aware of the cars when crossing from the island to the side (both directions). The points put to the DCC are:

  1. For cars to know that there is a crossing. We still firmly believe this should be a light-controlled crossing, but at the very least there should be signage warning drivers to expect cyclist (and pedestrians) crossing.

  2. For cyclists: In either direction, where the path between the carriage ways meets the carriage way at a shallow angle, and it is all too easy for cyclists to not look over their shoulder and spot traffic. We don’t think the line of tactile paving is enough, and something more needs to be in place to ensure cyclists give way.

We will post an update when we have a response to these concerns.


This from the DCC about the work on the Kitchener/ Wharf St junction.

We are programming Kitchener/ Wharf intersection traffic signal installation and other safety improvement works to commence from 3rd April. All works will be undertaken at night time, Sunday to Thursday nights, 7pm to 5am each night for 9 weeks.

There will not be any lane closures in place during unattended / day periods, however, there will be footpath and potentially cyclists management in place during the unattended / day periods.

Proposed cycle detour route is attached for your information. We are trying our best to minimise the disruption and open the cycle paths earliest possible.

The map of the bike path diversion is here:
Wharf St cycle detour.pdf (535.0 KB)

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