Urgent Action to Existing Network

One of the things we should look at as well as a long term vision, is to put pressure on to sort out some real problem areas. Here is few from the DCC cycle map:

  1. Dundas Street - This is a key connection from the North to, Logan Park, Logan Park High School, the waterfront cycleway and the Signal Hill bike tracks. It is busy with Vehicles and Cyclists. It has been modified to include angle parks, and a turning refuge over the hill. This leaves no room for cyclists and makes them blind to traffic going over the hill. It is dangerous and puts people off cycling.
  2. Princess St - This is potentially a good link and is used by cyclists, however it is a busy road and there is no room for them to ride or for vehicles to give them space.
  3. Stuart Street is indicated as a cycle connection. This should not be promoted unless something is done. Preferably a good alternative.
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  5. These cycleways ends in nothing. Is there any plan?
  6. The Cycleway at the Steamer Basin ends with no connection to the one on the other side of the road going to the city. What is the plan?
  7. There is a funny bit non-existent and rundown on Portsmouth Drive/ Wharf St. The idea people will prefer Kitchener/ Birch St is strange, particularly on a windy day!
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  9. No connection down Albany St / Anzac Ave and to the Polytech, Logan Park and Harbour Walkway. This need to be a good quality connection and would be well used, particularly if the university refuses to do anything down Union St.
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Spot on, Steve. You have identified many of the awkward spots on the network that could actually be sorted without too much trouble or money.

And yes, this is a key area that we should focus upon. The ‘low hanging fruit’ really.