Spokes - newsletters and submissions

[event start=“2021-05-06 06:00” status=“public” name=“Spokes Meeting” url=“Launch Meeting - Zoom” end=“2021-05-06 07:00” allowedGroups=“trust_level_0”]

Upcoming Meeting and Submissions

Kia ora koutou katoa,

We just wanted to send you a quick (mainly submissions) update. Last Thursday, Spokes Dunedin sent in its submission for the DCC’s draft 10-year plan. From a cycling – as well as walking and public transport – point of view, it is very disappointing: the automobile continues to dominate funding.

Please visit our website to have a read through our submission:


We now have two other submissions in our sights… The first is for the university’s Review of the Discipline Statute and Code of Student Conduct. This is important primarily because it’ll be reviewing littering around student housing:


The deadline for submissions is Friday 7th May.

The second is for the Draft Otago Regional Public Transport Plan 2021-31, which can be accessed here:


Public transport is a vital part of a future that is not auto-centric. It contributes to a healthier environment by improving air quality and reducing oil consumption, and through better land-use policies, and it contributes to social equality. The deadline for submissions is Sunday 22nd May.

Spokes Dunedin will be meeting this Thursday at 6 pm at the Centre for Sustainability. We’ll be joined (via Zoom) by Josh Aldridge, who is part of the team working on the Dunedin to Waihola Heartland Ride, to talk about his response to our submission:


Here’s the Zoom link for the meeting:

The password is: 884449

Or join by phone: 09 884 6780or 04 886 0026 (meeting ID: 314 547 3171; password: 884449)

If you have any feedback on the Dunedin to Waihola Heartland Ride proposal but are not able to attend, please feel free to send us a message in advance.

Keep warm and happy cycling!

Spokes Dunedin Board
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I went along as an observer, and it was good to see Spokes grappling with their way forwards. We share many concerns!

Basically we are tackling the same problem but they are more focussed on cycling (naturally) as the solution.

The Cycle Action Network (national co-ordinating body of cycle advocacy groups) is active, with an essentially decentralised model.

I can see plenty of potential for this forum providing a useful service connecting up Spokes and CAN with others usefully at the member level (which is currently somewhat missing).