Petition 1 - Speed Limit Reduction around Ōtepoti Dunedin

We believe that speed limit reduction is a vitally important strategy to improve the lives of all in Ōtepoti Dunedin.

This is especially true around schools and residential areas, as well high pedestrian areas such as the central city area. We understand that investment in cycle infrastructure is slow at present and not a priority of the current national government. Thus, we ask our local council to be proactive and understand that speed reductions make for a more pleasant, healthier, and safer city.

Petition: reduce the speed limit on city roads to 30kph where possible

Indicate your support here:

We, the undersigned, ask the DCC to act now and reduce the speed on our city roads to 30km/hour.
  • I fully support this statement
0 voters

Extensive research and overseas experience show that the reduction in speed to 30km/hour makes streets safer for all people. As active travel users (cyclists, pedestrians, skateboarders, scooters), we can’t afford to wait until the necessary infrastructure is built. The simple action of speed reductions will make Ōtepoti Dunedin more pleasant for all, and save money and lives.