Nelson tops census stats on cycling

Sunshine does help get people out on bikes it seems!

Anyone know how we are doing in Dunners on this front?

the source of that new article data is probably from But from a quick look at some Dunedin cenus data about Bike ridership by age (screenshot below), you would need to do some digging and probably some excel aggregation to find similar data that is presented in that report. But the mode of transport data is all there online by work/study/region etc.
It would also be useful to ramp up manual annual summer/winter bike counts at specified locations times so that we can compare ACTUAL data (rather than as self reported in the census) as well as automated counters. Having this kind of data would add real value as a bike advocacy group in terms of comparing to other regions and getting stakeholders involved in infrastructure projects. Presenting this kind of data (either online/media/realtime bike counters) shows users that they are NOT alone and there are many like them and busts so many myths aorund low pathway usage.

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