International Park(ing) Day and World Car Free Day

Saturday it’s international Park(ing) Day Is something like this also being done in Ōtepoti Dunedin? Spokes should be onto this. FYI World Car Free Day is on Sunday.


I love car free concept! It drives me nuts how much surface area of cities is devoted to on street parking or urban carparks. As a cyclist, parked cars present a hazard, pushing you further into traffic and taking up space that could be appropriated as a bike lane. Did you know that 40% of the surface area of Los Angeles is roads or parking. Imagine how much denser out cities could be and therefore more bikeable, if we didn’t have to have everything so spread out to make massive parking lots. Not to mention all that black pavement just traps more heat making cities hotter and more vulnerable to flash flooding as there is no water buffer in the soil.Call me a dreamer, but in the future when point to point transport is a service via Autonomous ubers and car ownership declines, then there will be less need for parking therefore opening up more space for bike lanes to reclaim the parking spaces!

And for such a small city, Dunedin has lots of parking. Although people complain there isn’t any.