Feedback on Draft Government Policy Statement on Transport

Kia Ora,

CAN is asking about feedback on the Government Policy Statement on Transport by the 2nd of April:


Are we best to do this as individuals or as Spokes?

It looks to me as though having lots of individuals do it across NZ would be the best way.

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Great thanks for this link. I submitted a 5 page submission with assistance of the submission guide as well as petition and form email. This whole draft Policy Statement on land transport 2024 (GPS) as proposed makes me sick. But great that the shroud of democracy allows us to express our dissent.

The thing that gets me the most, is that the government takes all tax payers money and redistrubtes that to roading projects that benefit their developer mates so they can add more suburbs and enrich their friends This is government corruption at the extreme.

I would suggest both? But definitely the more the better!

So important to fill this in. This really makes a difference if Council can actually buuld bike lanes, invest in a better bus network and creat a beeter city for everyone.

Here is a handy submission guide;

Transport4all partners are:
All Aboard

Climate Club

Free Fares

Generation Zero

Public Transport Forum New Zealand

The Future Is Rail / Save Our Trains

Women in Urbanism

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