Current submissions - Speed Management Plan and George St north

At our quarterly meeting with the DCC the other week, we discussed various projects going at the moment. Currently, DCC are consulting on these proposed changes:

Do take a look at the two links above and please take the time to make a submission. The closing dates are 21st and 25th September 2023 respectively.

If you wish to speak at the hearings, please let them know in your submission. (I think there is a box you can tick to say you want to speak, or email Simone via email.

Your submissions and speaking at hearings for these and similar projects is really important to help make changes to our streets. This is where you can make a difference.

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And now I’ve had a chance to read the George St plans… who came up with these crazy cycle lanes? I’m sure the school will love the idea of diverting bikes into the kids waiting at the crossing, all so that cars are not inconvenienced!

I’m sure you’ll all find plenty to submit about!!!