I’ll be honest, I’m not that impressed with this mock up of the proposed bike hub on the Museum Reserve.
Apparently $200,000 has been allocated for it, so if it ends up looking anything like this, for possibly little fewer than ten bikes, it’ll end up being some very expensive glass panels. There’s a suggestion it might include toilets too…and a drink fountain…and totally unnecessary ebike charging facilities. Why does the DCC plan on spending so much for all these extras when I’m pretty comfident all that cyclists really want is a very secure place to lock up their bikes out of the weather?
I’ve actually emailed the DCC with my own opinion about it. Results from a survey I’ve done myself show that even in the ebikimg community in NZ, ebike charging facilities are a very low priority.
I wouldn’t focus on the artist impression or the e-charging (on which point you are correct - the only e-charging that seems to work is the lockable type as the charger itself is valuable). There is a contract out for design / build and the eventual design may look quite different - the key will be weather protection, best practice stands, and security features. It isn’t likely to be the only location either.
Yeah, I was almost wondering if the ODT did the DCC a disservice by printing that particular image and associating it with a $200,000 cost. Something that simple would surely cost far less than that.
Reading the Business Case last night, I could see that Locky Docks are a potential supplier, but that they also some with a (presumably) cheaper, non-charging option. I’ve always thought the best combination would be the security of the Locky Dock type set up but with shelter taking priority over charging.
If the hub is closer to the Albany Street edge of the reserve, is not too obtrusive and is well out of the the way of the walkers passing through on the diagonal pathway then it would be less controversial. There’s a bus stop there too isn’t there? Maybe combine the bike hub with undercover seating for bus passangers and then throw in a public toilet?
What about instead of providing a fancy bike hub, they provided free bike racks to all those who want to them to be put in ‘Approved’ locations, commercial basements, alcoves outside buildings and so on (public and private communal)… encourage building owners and tenants to request locations that would suit them!
I agree Steve (and sorry for the late reply). I worry that an OTT bike hub on the museum reserve, with what sounds to be quite limited spaces, could result in a backlash from the public. Given how close it is to the university campus, I’d suggest a better approach would be for the DCC to simply require far better bike parking provision as part of any building consents for future campus construction.