Consultation on speed limit rule changes - CLOSES Thurs 11 July!

Please provide feedback on the proposed speed limit rule change. A summary of the proposed changes is here. In particular the mandatory reversal of speed limit changes since 2020 (proposal 7) is particularly egregious: -

The consultation form can be found here and closes 11 July.

An excellent summary of why changing the rule to allow / mandate higher speed limits is such a bad idea for health / safety / environment / wellbeing / etc can be found in this press article (no paywall: -

ngā mihi, Matt Jenks


The proposed changes to the speed limit rule have the potential to result in death and serious injury of > 500 people over the next ten years outside Auckland schools alone. Last chance to consult is by Thursday evening. Please see this article by Greater Auckland which covers the key points and the growing backlash against abysmal legislation for road safety for all road users.